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3D models status (last database update 2009 01 08)

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Model status map (you can also go directly to the model list)

hidrogrid status map

Model list

Model name Teff log g [Fe/H] Status LHD notes
d3t36g10m00 3600 1.0  0.0 SEL no 8 snaps
d3t38g40mm00 3810 4.0  0.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t38g40mm10 3790 4.0 -1.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t38g40mm00 3810 4.0  0.0 SEL LHD 20 snaps
d3t40g45mm00 3960 4.5  0.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t45g45mm00 4510 4.5  0.0 SEL no 21 snaps
d3t45g45mm10 4500 4.5 -1.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t45g45mm20 4540 4.5 -2.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t45g45mm30 4520 4.5 -3.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t50g45mm00 4980 4.5  0.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t50g45mm10 5060 4.5  0.0 SEL yes 19 snaps
d3t50g45mm20 5010 4.5 -2.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t50g45mm30 4990 4.5 -3.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t50g40mm00 4950 4.0  0.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t50g40mm10 4980 4.0 -1.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t50g40mm20 4960 4.0 -2.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t50g40mm30 4990 4.0 -3.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t50g35mm00 4920 3.5  0.0 SEL yes 19 snaps
d3t50g35mm10 4930 3.5 -1.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t50g35mm20 5000 3.5 -2.0 RUN -- --
d3t50g35mm30 5000 3.5 -3.0 RUN -- --
d3t50g25mm00 5000 2.5  0.0 RUN -- --
d3t50g25mm10 5000 2.5 -1.0 RUN -- --
d3t50g25mm20 5020 2.5 -2.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t50g25mm30 5020 2.5 -3.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t55g45mm00 5490 4.5  0.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t55g45mm10 5470 4.5 -1.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t55g45mm20 5480 4.5 -2.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t55g45mm30 5490 4.5 -3.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t55g40mm00 5480 4.0  0.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t55g40mm10 5500 4.0 -1.0 RUN -- --
d3t55g40mm20 5470 4.0 -2.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t55g40mm30 5480 4.0 -3.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t55g35mm00 5430 3.5  0.0 SEL yes 18 snaps
d3t55g35mm10 5480 3.5 -1.0 SEL yes 19 snaps
d3t55g35mm20 5510 3.5 -2.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t55g35mm30 5540 3.5 -3.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3gt57g44n57 5700 4.4 0.0 SEL no 25 snaps, SUN
d3gt57g44n58 5700 4.4 0.0 SEL no 19 snaps, SUN
d3t57g44mm10 5700 4.4 -1.0 RUN -- --
d3t57g44mm20 5780 4.4 -2.0 SEL/RUN yes 14 snaps
d3t59g45mm00 5870 4.5 -2.0 SEL yes 19 snaps
d3t59g45mm10 5920 4.5 -1.0 SEL yes 8 snaps
d3t59g45mm20 5900 4.5 -2.0 STY no --
d3t59g45mm30 5900 4.5 -3.0 SEL yes 19 snaps, temp not in the table.
d3t59g40mm00 5950 4.0  0.0 SEL yes 18 snaps
d3t59g40mm10 5850 4.0 -1.0 SEL yes 18 snaps
d3t59g40mm20 5860 4.0 -2.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t59g40mm30 5850 4.0 -3.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t63g45mm00 6230 4.5  0.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t63g45mm10 6240 4.5 -1.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t63g45mm20 6320 4.5 -2.0 SEL yes 19 snaps
d3t63g45mm30 6270 4.5 -3.0 SEL LHD 18 snap
d3t63g40mm00 6230 4.0 0.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t63g40mm10 6260 4.0 -1.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t63g40mm20 6280 4.0 -2.0 SEL yes 16 snaps
d3t63g40mm30 6270 4.0 -3.0 SEL no 20 snaps
d3t65g45mm00 6460 4.5  0.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t65g45mm10 6460 4.5 -1.0 SEL yes 20 snaps
d3t65g45mm20 6530 4.5 -2.0 SEL no 19 snaps
d3t65g45mm30 6500 4.5 -3.0 SEL yes 12 snaps, temp not in the table
d3gt65g40n3 6500 4.0 0.0 SEL no 28 snaps, PROCYON

How to read the model status page

The model status page is the reference for the current status of the CO5BOLD 3D stellar atmosphere models grid being computed whithin CIFIST.
  • The first link leads to (rather self explanatory) graphical "map" of the models. The status codes referred there are the same used in the tables and listed here below.
  • Then follows the table: it is ordered in temperature, then in gravity, then in metallicity.
  • For every model, a STATUS column contains:
    • TBD - To Be Done. This model is foreseen but its calculation did not begin yet.
    • RUN - RUNning. the model is being calculated.
    • STY - STand bY. The model calculation has finished, but snapshot selection has not taken place yet. 
    • SEL - SELected. Snapshots have been selected, the model is ready to be used.
  • The subsequent column "Structure", links (for STY and SEL models) to a set of plots showing the mean model structure. FOR TBD and RUN status, of course, structure is not available.
  • If model parameters appear in grey, this means that the are NOT the final ones for the models, but theinput ones. This holds clearly for TBD, RUN and STY models, and my happen for SEL models if the actual values have not been comunicated to me.
  • General use, "reference" models for Sun and procyon are included in bokld face with a bigger font.
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